awaria białej listy (wykaz podatników VAT)

Problems with the VAT Taxpayer List (so-called white list)

Whitelist - failure Dear Sirs, Due to numerous phone calls, we would like to inform you that since yesterday, i.e. 12.02.2025, there has been a failure of the VAT Taxpayer List (the so-called whitelist) on the side of the Ministry of Finance. Currently, the programming interface (API) does not work fully correctly and a very large number of errors are generated. This negatively affects the following Read more…

plik płaski biała lista VAT

Lack of publication of the flat file by the Ministry of Finance (problem with the so-called VAT white list)

Ladies and Gentlemen, We would like to inform you that as of yesterday, i.e. January 16, 2024, the Ministry of Finance has not published the flat file on its websites. Therefore, the getWhitelistStatus function is not able to return the correct data for today. As soon as the flat file is published, the function should automatically start returning information for today. Read more…

Lack of publication of the flat file by the Ministry of Finance (problem with the so-called VAT white list)

Ladies and Gentlemen, we would like to inform you that due to the fact that the flat file has not been published by the Ministry of Finance today, the getWhitelistStatus function is not able to return the correct data for today. As soon as the flat file is published, the function should automatically start returning information for today. Alternatively, you can use the getIBANStatus function Read more…

Failure of the website for verifying taxpayers in the VAT register of the Ministry of Finance

We would like to inform you that due to the failure of the API interface and the GUI search engine of the Ministry of Finance, it is currently not possible to verify taxpayers in the VAT register using the getVATStatus and getWhitelistStatus functions. It is also impossible to download data from the Ministry of Finance register using the searchVATRegistry function. Other services, i.e. verification in the VIES system and data downloading Read more…

Technical problems in most reference systems

Ladies and Gentlemen, due to numerous telephone calls, we would like to inform you that today practically all reference systems (REGON register, VIES system and the Ministry of Finance system for verifying active VAT payers) that our API uses and downloads data are working very slowly and most of them return timeouts. We would like to inform you that as soon as the work of the above-mentioned systems Read more…

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