On this BLOGwill want to share with you all the latest information regarding invoices KSeF and the whole National eInvoice System implemented and launched by the Ministry of Finance. Of course, in addition to complete theoretical knowledge, we will also focus on practical aspects of implementing KSeF with the company. We wish you pleasant reading, and if you have any questions or doubts, please contact us - details on the website Contact.

2. Guide to KSeF

Przewodnik po KSeF

How to create an account in the National e-Invoice System

You must enter the login page to the Taxpayer Application: https://ksef.mf.gov.pl/web/login. And then select the identifier by which the KSeF system will be able to recognize the company. In our guide, we show the simplest method that the 99% will choose from you, i.e. check the box NIP firmy and enter the NIP number in the field below. Read on…

How to issue your first KSeF invoice

In the next part of our Guide, we show you how to issue your first invoice step by step using the National e-Invoice System (KSeF). Read on…

How to load an invoice into KSeF issued from another program

To load an invoice into KSeF that was issued from another invoice generating program, start by logging in. Read on…

How to generate an authorization token

After creating an account in the National e-Invoice System, as described in the first part of the guide: KSeF Guide - how to create an account in the National e-Invoice System, we can start generating a token. Read on…

3. KSeF news

Aktualności KSeF
ksef php

KSeF – PHP library

National e-Invoice System (KSeF) new integration library for PHP In addition to the REST API interface which we informed about in the previous entry (KSeF REST API new functionalities in nip24.pl), we have prepared a library for PHP that allows integration with our KSeF REST interface API. It is now available for download directly from our [...]


KSeF REST API – new functionalities available

KSeF REST API new functionalities at nip24.pl We are pleased to inform you that we have extended the REST API interface we provide with operations allowing for quick and effective integration with the National e-Invoice System (KSeF). The implemented operations enable the implementation of the main functionalities related to the handling of structured invoices in KSeF, i.e.: Generating [...]

Konsultacje KSeF - wyjaśnienia interpretacje i szkolenia

KSeF consultations – explanations, interpretations and training

Summary of KSeF consultations in the area of communication and information exchange In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of consultations on the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), today we will present you a short summary of consultations organized on March 1, 2024 by the Ministry of Finance under the name KSeF Consultations – explanations, interpretations and training. The meeting discussed […]

Konsutlacje KSeF - etapowanie wdrożenia

KSeF consultations – KSeF implementation in stages

Summary of consultations aimed at exchanging information on the possibility of phasing the implementation of the KSeF In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of the consultations regarding the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), today we will present you a short summary of the consultations organized on February 29, 2024 by the Ministry of Finance under called KSeF Consultations - staging of KSeF implementation. While […]

Konsultacje KSeF - dostawcy mediów

KSeF consultations – meeting with media suppliers

Summary of KSeF consultations with companies from the energy and telecommunications industries In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of consultations regarding the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), today we will present you a short summary of consultations with companies providing, among others: energy and telecommunications services, organized on February 22, 2024 by the Ministry of Finance under the name Consultations [...]

Konsultacje KSeF - branża paliwowa

KSeF consultations – meeting with the fuel industry

Summary of KSeF consultations with companies from the fuel industry In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of consultations regarding the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), today we will present you a short summary of consultations with the factoring industry organized on February 22, 2024 by the Ministry of Finance under the name KSeF consultations – meeting with the fuel industry. Main […]

Konsultacje KSeF - faktoring

KSeF consultations – meeting with the factoring industry

Summary of KSeF consultations with companies from the factoring industry In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of consultations regarding the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), today we will present you a short summary of consultations with the factoring industry organized on February 21, 2024 by the Ministry of Finance under the name KSeF consultations – meeting with the factoring industry. Key […]

konsultacje KSeF - identyfikator KSeF w płatnościach

KSeF consultations – KSeF identifier in payments

Key conclusions from the meeting on payments using the KSeF identifier In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of consultations on the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), today we will present you a short summary of the meeting organized on February 21, 2024 by the Ministry of Finance under the name KSeF identifier in payments. KSeF identifier in payments […]

Konsultacje KSeF - faktury konsumenckie (B2C)

KSeF consultations – consumer invoices (B2C)

Key conclusions regarding the discussion on consumer invoices in KSeF In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of consultations on the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), today we will present you a short summary of the meeting organized on February 16, 2024 by the Ministry of Finance under the name Invoices consumer/buyer status. Topics and problems related to invoices […]

Konsultacje KSeF - wydajność i bezpieczeństwo

KSeF consultations – efficiency and safety

KSeF consultations - efficiency and security In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of consultations regarding the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), experts from the Department of Analysis of the National Tax Administration and the Critical Applications team discussed key aspects of the system: its efficiency and safety. The meeting gathered a wide range of interested people, which […]



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