prace serwisowe

Scheduled maintenance work

Szanowni Państwo! W związku z planowanymi pracami serwisowymi informujemy, że od godz. 23:00 dnia 05.04.2025 (sobota) do godziny 2 rano dnia 06.04.2025 (niedziela), nastąpi przerwa w dostępie do stron internetowych serwisu oraz interfejsu API. Prowadzone prace będą związane ze zwiększeniem bezpieczeństwa systemu oraz polepszeniem jakości świadczonych usług. W przypadku pojawienia Read more…

Change the IP address of the website

Dear customers, We would like to inform you that as part of the maintenance work carried out recently, the public IP address of our server has changed. The old IP address ( has been replaced with a new one: If the connection to our services is configured in accordance with the documentation, the above change should not affect communication and use in any way. Read more…

prace serwisowe

Service work

Dear Sir or Madam! Due to planned maintenance work, we would like to inform you that from 10:00 PM on 02.11.2024 (Saturday) to 4:00 AM on 03.11.2024 (Sunday), there will be a break in access to the website and API interface. The work will be related to increasing the security of the system and improving the quality of the services provided. In the event of Read more…

prace serwisowe

Service work

Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to planned service works, we would like to inform you that from 22:00 on 08/06/2024 (Saturday) until 02:00 on June 9, 2024 (Sunday) there will be a break in access to the website pages and the API interface. The work carried out will be related to increasing the security of the system and improving the quality of services provided. In case of appearance Read more…

prace serwisowe

Service work

Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to planned service works, we would like to inform you that from 22:00 on December 30, 2023 (Saturday) until 02:00 on December 31, 2023 (Sunday) there will be a break in access to the website and the API interface. The work carried out will be related to increasing the security of the system and improving the quality of services provided. In case of appearance Read more…

prace serwisowe

Planned service work

Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to planned service works, we would like to inform you that from 22:00 on December 16, 2023 (Saturday) until 02:00 on December 17, 2023 (Sunday) there will be a break in access to the website. The work carried out will be related to increasing the security of the system and improving the quality of services provided. If you have any questions, please ask Read more…

Planned service work

Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to planned service works, we would like to inform you that from 22:00 on September 23, 2023 (Saturday) until 02:00 on September 24, 2023 (Sunday) there will be a break in access to the website. The work carried out will be related to increasing the security of the system and improving the quality of services provided. If you have any questions, please ask Read more…

Planned service work

Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to planned service works, we would like to inform you that from 22:00 on May 13, 2023 (Saturday) until 02:00 on May 14, 2023 (Sunday) there will be a break in access to the API and websites of the website. The work carried out will be related to increasing the security of the system and improving the quality of services provided. If questions arise Read more…

Service work

Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to planned service works, we would like to inform you that from 23:00 on May 30, 2020 (Saturday) until 02:00 on May 31, 2020 (Sunday) there will be a break in access to the API and websites of the website. The NIP Monitoring service will also be unavailable. The work carried out will be related to improving the quality of services provided. In case of appearance Read more…

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