Konsultacje KSeF - wydajność i bezpieczeństwo

KSeF consultations – efficiency and safety

KSeF consultations - efficiency and security In accordance with our earlier announcement regarding the KSeF schedule, as part of consultations regarding the National e-Invoice System (KSeF), experts from the Department of Analysis of the National Tax Administration and the Critical Applications team discussed key aspects of the system: its efficiency and safety. The meeting gathered a wide range of interested people Read more…

Krajowy System e-Faktur (KseF)

KSeF – summary of 2023

KSeF - everything worth knowing about the National e-Invoice System Basic information Ladies and Gentlemen, in this article we would like to collect and present all the most important information that appeared in the public space in 2023 in the context of KSeF and draw attention to what consequences it will cause after on the part of entrepreneurs, introducing a mandatory national Read more…

Problems with asynchronous downloading of invoices in the KSeF test environment

Ladies and Gentlemen, We would like to inform you that, in accordance with the previous announcement of the Ministry of Finance, there may be temporary difficulties related to the asynchronous downloading of invoices in the test environment of the National e-Invoice System. The restoration of full functionality of the environment will be announced in a separate announcement. Unfortunately, since the beginning of the year there has been a significant decrease in the stability of the KSeF test environment, which is of course confirmed by the nip24.pl website. Read more…

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