new functionalities in nip24.pl


We are pleased to inform you that we have extended the REST API interface we provide with operations allowing for quick and effective integration with National e-Invoice System (KSeF). The implemented operations enable the implementation of the main functionalities related to the handling of structured invoices in KSeF, i.e.:

  • Generating e-Invoices in XML format in accordance with the applicable XSD schema (v2)
  • Sending and receiving e-Invoices and UPO from the KSeF system
  • Generating a preview (visualization) of e-Invoices (PDF or HTML) with a QR code
  • Bulk search and download of e-Invoices (sales and cost)
  • Downloading individual e-Invoices (sales and cost)
  • Support for bulk sending of e-Invoices (coming soon)
  • Notifications on receipt of a new cost e-invoice (coming soon)

Of course, for the needs of efficient integration, we have also prepared a detailed one Technical Documentation together with a description of the business processes within which the use of individual operations is described. We encourage you to read the prepared description and diagrams.

    We have also updated the GUI interface in your accounts, making it possible to save the authorization token generated in KSeF. Details are available at: https://nip24.pl/dokumentacja/#link-generowanie-klucza

    We are working all the time to soon provide you with a set of libraries for the remaining most popular programming languages, i.e. PHP, Java and .NET, which will implement REST API functionalities.

    For the most demanding customers, we plan to prepare a container in Docker technology containing a fully functional KSeF REST API component enabling on-premise implementation (locally at the client's) of all the functionalities offered by our API.

    We also plan tools for less advanced users, such as a mobile application integrated with the nip24.pl website, thanks to which it will be possible to generate and send e-Invoices to KSeF by people working remotely (e.g. in the field) or outside the office network in which a central system for issuing invoices is launched.

    We will keep you updated on all progress in providing further functionalities and tools.

    nip24.pl team

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